Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Books I'm reading (Part 1)

 Lately I've been reading a bit more than usual thanks to a new work schedule. I had to give up my comfy nights at home for a not so comfy office chair to ease my literary cravings (on my down time at work of course!).
I recently flew through The Mysteries of Udolpho by Anne Radcliffe and while I enjoyed it more than I ever thought my brain needed a break from fainting girls, overly dramatic love scenes and pointless redundancies. I did love the page turning parts full of secrets, mysteries, terror and death. Even though many circumstances seemed unlikely and the timing perfect I feel this book would make a great movie!
Now I am reading The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler and The Enchanted Castle & Five Children and It by Edith Nesbit. The Big Sleep and Udolpho are both group reads for The 1700-1939 Book Club! I moderate on Goodreads. I think The Big Sleep will be a nice change in the mystery department from Udolpho. In one book all the answers fall magically into your lap, no thanks to the main character, and in the other you have the great Philip Marlowe to solve the mystery. I love the movie with Humphry Bogart and Lauren Bacall so I'm excited to dig into the book.
 I chose to read a children's book to lighten the mood and for an aspect of fantasy and can't wait to review Five Children and It (It is causing some problems). Stay tuned for my reviews and much more about my life!

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